Fernwood Members' Lounge


The Fernwood Members' Lounge is a web app for Fernwood gym members. Members can book appointments, view class timetables, and redeem special offers. The project commenced in late 2015 and still has a lot more planned for it.

The image above displays an example of the member's dashboard. The web app is fully responsive catering to all screen sizes. Mobile screen size examples of the dashboard are pictured below.

Dashboard Mobile View
Dashboard Mobile View

My role for this project included the design and front end development. Which included the initial concept to wireframes to high fidelity mock ups. Working in an agile environment, new features are constantly being developed.

The project is built with the brand new ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6. The front end stack includes Sass, Grunt, jQuery and is built upon a lightweight version of Foundation framework. We used the Velocity.js animation library for the UI animation, as it provides very performant animations along with great browser support. This project supports IE9 and up. The CSS stucture is based upon SMACSS, with a BEM naming convention.

Book Appointment Mobile View

Pictured above is the appointment booking interface. A complex set of criteria that has, through many discussions and wireframes, been turned into a simple intuitive AJAX powered interface.